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Withdraw & Claim

alt text You can initiate withdrawal requests anytime as there’s no strict lockup imposed on your deposits in the campaign. Similar to deposits, each withdrawal also takes ~2 days to complete due to the Straddle Vault’s Round system. After this period, you’ll be able to claim your weETH back. Please note that you must claim your pending withdrawal first to initiate another withdrawal request if there are any pending withdrawals that remain unclaimed.

If you deposit and initiate withdrawal before a new Round begins, you will be able to withdraw your weETH immediately without the waiting period.

Please note that when you'll stop receiving each reward

  • MITO Point (weETH) and Theo token rewards: Up to 48 hours after you successfully complete your withdrawal transaction, after which they will stop
  • Theo Straddle yields (generated via Aave and Hyperliquid): Once your weETH becomes claimable (= once weETH you deposited stops being used for Vault strategy = new Theo Round begins after the last Round you withdraw

Checklist Before You WIthdraw

Community Redistribution

Instead of being able to withdraw anytime, you’ll forfeit a portion of accumulated rewards by the Matrix Community Redistribution policy. Every time you withdraw any amount of maweETH (Theo) before Theo’s TGE (Token Generation Event), you’ll lose maximum of 20% of the Theo token rewards as well as accumulated MITO Points (weETH). The forfeited rewards are redistributed to other users who are still participating in the campaign. The forfeited rewards will be proportionally distributed to every remaining depositor in different amounts based on their Theo token rewards. This Community Redistribution works similar to how Expedition Community Redistribution does.

Penalty Calculation Details:

  • For maweETH holdings of 10 days or less: The full 20% penalty applies
  • For holdings between 10-100 days: The penalty gradually decreases from 20% to 0%
  • The longer you hold (closer to 100 days), the lower your penalty becomes

The exact formula used for penalty calculation is:

if (diffDays < 10) {
// 20% penalty
penaltyRatio = 0.2;
} else {
// 20% ~ 0% penalty (100 days -> 0% penalty)
penaltyRatio = Math.max(0, 0.2 - 0.2 * ((diffDays - 10) / (100 - 20)));

Maintaining MITO Point (weETH) Boosts After Withdrawal

You will receive weETH after a Withdrawal transaction regardless of which assets you deposited (miweETH and weETH). We provide another condition for those who withdraw their maweETH (Theo) to maintain Expedition (weETH) Boosts. Here's how:

As you know, holding weETH doesn't meet the Boosts requirements, but holding miweETH does.

In other words, you must complete a deposit transaction to deposit your weETH back to Expedition. Complete redeposit to Expedition in the same UTC day that you claim weETH after withdrawal completes. Also, make sure that you complete redepositing weETH to Expedition before 11:55 PM UTC on the same day that you claim weETH. Claiming weETH is disabled during 11:55 PM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC due to the same 5 minutes of daily maintenance like miweETH deposits work. In this way, you'll be able to maintain your Expedition (weETH) Boosts even after you withdraw from the Matrix Theo campaign.


If you claim weETH after a withdrawal from Matrix and redeposit weETH to Expedition in the same UTC day, Matrix CR will only be applied to your Theo token rewards, not MITO Point (weETH) included.

Withdraw funds from Matrix Straddle Vault

  1. First, check if you have any pending withdrawals that remain unclaimed and claim them first if you have
  2. Initiate a withdraw transaction
  3. Claim your weETH once it becomes claimable after the waiting period