About Mitosis Matrix
Matrix is Mitosis' flagship product designed to curate premium DeFi opportunities. It provides transparent, superior rewards while ensuring complete control over your assets. As one of the Mitosis' Vault Liquidity Frameworks, Matrix enables DeFi protocols seeking liquidity to offer higher yields to LPs.
To join a Matrix liquidity campaign, Mitosis LPs first evaluate the available options, reviewing details such as rewards breakdown, supported networks and asset types. Participants then commit funds to allow Mitosis to deploy their assets into the selected Matrix DeFi protocols. For protocols, Matrix allows them to engage directly with the Mitosis user base by proposing exclusive and highly attractive terms and conditions. This structure procures liquidity in the long term and helps bootstrap an active community that can selectively direct capital to projects whose strategies, risks, and rewards align with their preferences.
How It Works
As Mitosis' L1 chain is coming soon, please take note of the different pipelines about how Matrix works in the two distinct stages.
maAsset: As there could be multiple protocols using the same asset for each campaign, the maAssets that have the same underlying assets for different campaigns are specified with their tickers. e.g., maweETH of Matrix Theo campaign is maweETH (Theo).
Before Mitosis Mainnet:
- Matrix Vaults are deployed on each supported network for each campaign (e.g., Ethereum mainnet, Arbiutrum, Linea)
- Users deposit assets to the Matrix Vaults of their choice
- Users receive maAssets as a receipt token on the network they select to deposit
- Users access multiple rewards generated by each Matrix Vault
After Mitosis Mainnet
- Matrix Vaults are deployed on Mitosis L1 mainnet allowing assets on Mitosis L1 mainnet to be deposited
- Users deposit assets to the Mitosis Vaults deployed on each supported network (e.g., Deposit weETH on Arbitrum to the Mitosis Vault deployed on Arbitrum)
- Users receive Vanilla Assets on the Mitosis L1 mainnet (e.g., Receive weETH on Mitosis L1 mainnet)
- Users deposit Vanilla Assets to Matrix Vaults deployed on the Mitosis L1 mainnet
- Users receive maAssets as a receipt on the Mitosis L1 mainnet
- Users access multiple rewards generated by each Matrix Vault
Please note: There will be a migration process to migrate maAssets minted before the Mitosis L1 mainnet launch (= maAssets not on the Mitosis L1 networks) from each supported network to the Mitosis L1 mainnet.