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Matrix Theo Campaign


The Matrix Theo campaign is designated to exclusively benefit the existing miweETH holders.

miweETH (or weETH) holders can acess additional rewards, including Theo token rewards and Theo Straddle Vault yields, while continuing to receive MITO Point (weETH) rewards as usual. In other words, it's an addition of extra yield layers to the existing Expedition yield stack.

Select users can deposit miweETH (or weETH) on the campaign networks to the Matrix Straddle vault via the Mitosis front-end.

Supported Assets

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  • miweETH
    • Ethereum: 0x14C5a9007FDC5eE4De1581C892b5fd4623D8cdBf
    • Arbitrum: 0x3c09fb9630B8f89F73871506F445F5DbedBEB0DF
    • Linea: 0x3478dE5e82431676C87113001bBeeb359cb5eAa5
  • weETH
    • Ethereum: 0xCd5fE23C85820F7B72D0926FC9b05b43E359b7ee
    • Arbitrum: 0x35751007a407ca6FEFfE80b3cB397736D2cf4dbe
    • Linea: 0x1bf74c010e6320bab11e2e5a532b5ac15e0b8aa6
  • maweETH (Theo)
    • Ethereum: 0x0B75e167F8A37179b7044414EE43e94cabeAA2FA
    • Arbitrum: 0x54602E5cBa09e01EeE9B2050F1F4f0Dc902CeE34
    • Linea: 0xcF101e13b5181f79094B0726B03e89d1cB95b28C

Campaign Details

The Matrix Theo campaign consists of 4 distinct Phases, each with its own deposit cap. A Phase concludes when either its deposit cap is reached, or its duration expires. The exact date and time to start subsequent Phases will be announced after each Phase concludes.

Each Phase has specific eligibility requirements, and when one Phase ends, users who meet the eligibility criteria for the next Phase also become eligible to deposit. Check the eligibility details below.

Deposit Cap Breakdown



The Matrix Theo campaign will begin at 4 PM UTC on March 13th and the specific date/time to conclude will be announced later.

Participation Eligibility

alt text There are multiple criteria that guarantee your eligibility for participation in each Phase. Users who meet the eligibility requirements for earlier Phases can also join all the later Phases. “&” in the image means you should meet both requirements to be eligible for that Phase. For example, if Alice has Platinum Tier for weETH Expedition, she is eligible to participate from Phase 2 onwards, including Phases 3 & 4.

Each eligibility is based on the snapshots. Please check the snapshot details below.

Snapshot Details

Expedition Tier12:00 AM UTC on March 3rd, 2025
Morse NFT Holder12:00 AM UTC on March 3rd, 2025
Total Combined miAssets12:00 AM UTC on March 3rd, 2025
Community Contributors12:00 AM UTC on March 3rd, 2025
Deposited in Specific Expedition EpochSnapshot at the end of the specific Epoch of weETH, weETHs, uniETH, and uniBTC Expeditions (ezETH and cmETH are excluded)
Game of MITOAt the end of the Game of MITO
  • Expedition Tier: This is based on your Expedition Tier in any of the ongoing Expeditions. For example, if you're in Platinum Tier in of any Expeditions, you can join from Phase 2.
  • Morse NFT Holder: All users who have at least 1 Morse NFT are included.
  • Total Combined miAssets: This is the sum of maAsset amounts you have. If you have more than or equal to 5 maAssets (2 miweETH and 3 micmETH), you're eligible to join from Phase 1.
  • Community Contributors: All users who have the following roles in Mitosis Discord are included (Sensei, miArtist, miWriter, miConsultant, miEvangelist, miAnalyst, and Guru).
  • Deposited in Specific Expedition Epoch: Anyone who deposited in any of the Expeditions during the specified Epoch is included. For example, if you deposited during any of Expedition Epoch 1, you can join from Phase 1.
  • Game of MITO: Any addresses that claimed Game of MITO Faucet at least once are included.