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Multi-Chain Vaults

Optimized Yield and Network Expansion

For LPs: Yield Optimization Across Multiple Networks

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The accumulated rewards in each Mitosis Vault are distributed to all Mitosis LPs, not just to those deposited into that specific Mitosis Vault. This means LPs can deposit their assets into a single Mitosis Vault and gain exposure to rewards across all networks supported by Mitosis. EOL eliminates the risk and costs of bridging assets.

Additionally, because EOL ownership is shared by pooled LPs from various networks, individual LPs don't need in-depth knowledge of every network. LPs can leverage each other’s expertise through Asset Allocation Governance.

For Protocols: Expansion Across Networks

Once familiarized with Mitosis LPs, applications can more easily bootstrap using EOL when expanding to other networks. For example, let's say Protocol A wants to source liquidity from EOL on Ethereum. Through a three-step governance process, Protocol A discusses its mechanism and reward scheme with Mitosis LPs, aligning needs and refining its concept. After passing governance, Protocol A successfully launches on Ethereum with the help of EOL. Protocol A decides to expand to Arbitrum and once again turns to EOL to bootstrap liquidity. During the previous deposit decision, the Mitosis Ecosystem has already researched and discussed Protocol A and its team. LPs once again decide to deposit to Protocol A with less effort, and Protocol A successfully launches on Arbitrum.