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Chapter 17 - Glossary of Terms

APYAnnual Percentage Yield, the real rate of return earned on an investment, taking into account the effect of compounding interest.
BlockchainA decentralized ledger of all transactions across a network, maintained by a distributed network of computers (nodes).
CandidateA proposer (typically a protocol) that initiates a proposal for EOL Allocation.
Ecosystem Owned LiquidityLiquidity that is owned and managed by the Mitosis ecosystem, allocated to various protocols through a community-governed process.
EOL Allocation CategoryA specific category within the Mitosis Forum where candidates propose and discuss potential allocations of Ecosystem Owned Liquidity (EOL).
Gauge ProposalA proposal used to allocate assets to protocols that have passed the Initiation Proposal (conducted weekly).
Gauge VoteA weekly vote to determine the allocation ratios for ratified proposals, conducted using the Mitosis Synthesis platform.
Governance ProcessThe process by which decisions are made and implemented within the Mitosis project.
Initiation VoteA vote to determine whether a protocol progresses to the next stage of the governance process.
miAssetA digital asset within the Mitosis ecosystem. miAssets are specific to different types of tokens (e.g., miweETH, miuniETH) and their voting power is determined by the total amount held across all chains.
Mitosis ForumThe Mitosis Forum where users, proposers, and the Mitosis team can communicate.
Mitosis VaultA specific investment or management approach employed by a protocol within a vault to optimize returns or achieve specific financial goals. Vault strategies are proposed, reviewed, and voted on by the Mitosis community.
Multi-SigA cryptocurrency wallet that requires multiple private keys to authorize a transaction, enhancing security and requiring consensus among the signers.
ProposalA formal suggestion or plan put forward for consideration or discussion by the Mitosis community.
ProposerProposers can initiate proposals for EOL allocations and are subject to the governance process, including rounds of community feedback, voting, and approval (protocols and lead delegates of protocols are the typical proposers).
QuorumThe minimum number of votes that must be cast for a proposal to be considered valid.
RatifiedThe status of a candidate protocol that has successfully passed the Initiation Vote stage, indicating community approval to advance to subsequent stages of the governance process.
RejectedThe status of a candidate protocol that has failed to pass the Initiation Vote stage, indicating that it did not receive sufficient community approval to advance to subsequent stages of the governance process.
Remove ProposalA proposal to remove a specific protocol that has passed the Initiation Stage.
SnapshotA record of the state of the blockchain at a specific time that is used to determine voting power.
SynthesisThe Mitosis application where you can vote on Initiation/Gauge/Remove proposals.
Temperature CheckA preliminary voting process to gauge community sentiment and support for a proposal before it proceeds to stage 1.
TWABTime-Weighted Average Balance (TWAB): A method of calculating the average balance of an asset over a specific period to determine voting power.
UserMitosis end user.
Voting PeriodThe designated time frame during which votes are cast on a proposal.
Voting PowerVoting power refers to the weight or influence of a vote, often determined by the amount of tokens a participant holds.