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Daily Point Scheme

Daily Total is how many MITO Points (uniBTC) a participant gets in 24 hours. Mitosis calculates the Daily Total based on a methodology called the Daily Point Scheme. Daily Point Scheme starts with Default Points and adds various Boosts to reach the final Daily Total amount.

  1. Default Points: miuniBTC balance * 60,000
  2. Daily Base Points: Chain Boost and Epoch Boost applied to Default Points
  3. Boosted Daily Base: Holding Duration, X Boost, Bracket Boost, Morse Boost, and Referral Boosts applied to Daily Base Points
  4. Daily Total: CR Bonuses and Referral Bonuses added to Boosted Daily Base

While this method might seem complicated, the key to getting more is to maximize your Holding Duration and miuniBTC balance (i.e., deposit more and hold longer) and CR Bonuses (i.e., increase your Tier for higher CR Bonuses %). In contrast, redeeming your miuniBTC works against the above and leads to higher CR Points taken out of your accumulated MITO Points (uniBTC).