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EOL Governance

miAsset holders have the opportunity to participate in EOL Governance, influencing key decisions such as:

  • Selection of protocols on external chains for EOL allocation integration
  • Determination of allocation ratios for each integrated protocol on external chains

Voting power is calculated based on the TWAB (Time-Weighted Average Balance) of miAssets over the preceding 7-day period.
The use of TWAB for voting power calculation enhances governance security, mitigating potential attacks and abuse.

Initiation Governance

Initiation Governance Process This diagram illustrates the EOL governance process for initiation proposals.

  1. A proposer submits an initiation proposal to the EOL Protocol Governor. Currently, proposer status is limited to authorized actors.
  2. Users cast votes on the proposal, with voting power determined by the TWAB of miAssets.
  3. If the proposal passes, a new strategy for integrating the protocol on the external chain is deployed and registered with the EOL Strategy Executor. Only registered strategies are eligible for EOL use. We're exploring options to decentralize the process of registering new strategies to the EOL Strategy Executor.
  4. Following successful integration of a new protocol with EOL, it becomes eligible for inclusion as a candidate in gauge voting for liquidity allocation. An executor must implement the accepted proposal to register it with the EOL Protocol Registry. Protocols registered in the EOL Protocol Registry become candidates in gauge voting.

The EOL Protocol Governor manages both the initiation and removal processes for integrated protocols.

Gauge Governance

Gauge Governance Process This diagram outlines the EOL governance process for gauge proposals:

  1. Users cast votes for gauges on the EOL Gauge Governor. The protocol list for gauge proposals is obtained from the EOL Protocol Registry.
  2. A strategist aggregates voting results from the EOL Gauge Governor and formulates a plan for rebalancing allocation ratios among protocols.
  3. The strategist executes the rebalancing using registered strategies.