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Chapter 9 - Revolutionizing Multi-Chain DeFi

Mitosis L1 is the core component in the multi-chain EOL ecosystem. This unique combination is designed to optimize capital efficiency and yield across multiple blockchain networks.

Ecosystem Structure and Functionality

  • L1 Chain: The foundation of the Mitosis Ecosystem, featuring miAssets with built-in multi-chain yield.
  • Mitosis Vaults: Deployed across multiple supported networks, these vaults allow LPs to deposit liquidity on their preferred chains.
  • Cross-Network Liquidity Allocation: The ecosystem collectively decides on liquidity distribution across various yield sources, with each vault allocating funds to opportunities within its network.

Driving Innovation and Stability

miAssets play a pivotal role in the ecosystem:

  • They serve as the default asset for DeFi applications on the Mitosis chain.
  • Their multi-chain yield characteristic incentivizes developers to create innovative applications.
  • DeFi projects built on Mitosis have a vested interest in maintaining a balanced risk/yield profile for miAssets.

Empowering Application Builders

We invite developers to leverage miAssets' unique properties to create novel DeFi solutions. These applications will:

  • Significantly influence Asset Allocation Governance.
  • Contribute to the stable growth of the Mitosis DeFi ecosystem.
  • Help maintain lucrative yet sustainable yield generation through responsible governance participation.

Collaborative Governance for Ecosystem Growth

The Mitosis Ecosystem employs a democratic decision-making process for liquidity allocation, giving all stakeholders—from individual LPs to DeFi applications—a voice in shaping the ecosystem's direction. This collaborative approach, powered by the Mitosis L1 blockchain and facilitated through multi-network vaults, ensures that the unique properties of miAssets are leveraged to balance yield optimization with long-term sustainability across multiple chains.

As we delve deeper into the Mitosis governance structure in the next section, we'll explore how this inclusive model drives innovation, maintains stability, and ultimately redefines the landscape of cross-chain DeFi.