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Proposal Lifecycle

The Mitosis governance process follows a structured lifecycle with multiple stages, ensuring thorough vetting and community participation:

Stage 0: Candidate Proposal (3-5 days)

  • Proposers introduce their project and potential EOL relationship with Mitosis.
  • No formal passing requirements, but community engagement is crucial.

Stage 1: Rewards Proposal (7 days)

  • Detailed proposal overview and temperature check.
  • Must receive at least 51% "Absolutely, Yes!" votes to proceed.

Stage 2: Initiation Vote (7 days)

  • Final proposal submitted for formal voting via the Mitosis Synthesis application.
  • Requires >50% "Yes" votes and a 20% quorum of the total miAsset supply to pass.

Stage 3: Gauge Vote (Weekly cycles)

  • Ratified proposals included in weekly gauge votes.
  • Determines allocation ratios for EOL.
  • Continuous voting with weekly snapshots and executions.

Stage 4: Regular Updates

  • Proposers provide ongoing updates on proposal progress and impact.
  • Includes both general updates and proposal-specific updates as needed.

Throughout this lifecycle, the community can engage in discussions, provide feedback, and influence decisions. The process is designed to be transparent, allowing for iterative improvements and ensuring that approved proposals align with the ecosystem's best interests.

Special mechanisms, such as the ability to remove proposals from gauge votes, provide additional flexibility and control over the governance process.

This multi-stage approach ensures that all proposals are thoroughly vetted, refined through community input, and implemented with ongoing accountability.